Prof. Kasai

Dr. Eng., Professor (full), WASEDA University, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering,
Department of Computer Science and Communications Engineering, Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Hiroyuki KASAI (HK) is a Professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, WASEDA University, Tokyo, Japan. He received his B.Eng., M.Eng., and Dr.Eng. degrees in Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineering from WASEDA University in 1996, 1998, and 2000, respectively. He was a research associate at Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI), WASEDA University, during 1998-2002. He was a visiting researcher at British Telecommunication BTexacT Technologies, the U.K., during 2000-2001. He joined Network Laboratories, NTT DoCoMo, Japan, in 2002. He was an associate professor at The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, during 2007-2019, and he was appointed as a professor at UEC in 2019. He was a senior policy researcher at Council for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (CSTP), Cabinet Office of Japan, during 2011-2013. He was a visiting researcher at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, during 2014-2015. Since September 2019, he has been in his current position.
早稲田大学 理工学術院 教授
早稲田大学 基幹理工学部 情報通信学科 教授
早稲田大学 大学院基幹理工学研究科 情報理工・情報通信専攻 教授
1996年 | 早稲田大学・理工学部・電子通信学科・卒業 |
1998年 | 早稲田大学・大学院理工学研究科・電子情報通信学専攻・修士課程・修了 |
2000年 | 早稲田大学・大学院理工学研究科・電子情報通信学専攻・博士後期課程・修了(博士(工学)) |
富永英義・早稲田大学教授(現,名誉教授),亀山渉・早稲田大学助教授(現,教授)に師事. | |
1998年〜2002年 | 早稲田大学・国際情報通信研究センター・助手 |
2000年〜2001年 | 英国・ブリティッシュテレコム研究所 BTexacT Technologies・訪問研究員 |
2002年〜2007年 | 株式会社 NTT ドコモ・ネットワーク研究所・研究員 |
2007年〜2019年 | 電気通信大学・大学院情報システム学研究科・准教授 |
2011年〜2013年 | 内閣府総合科学技術会議(CSTP)事務局・政策統括官付・上席政策調査員(出向) |
2014年〜2015年 | ドイツ・ミュンヘン工科大学・訪問研究員 |
2019年〜2019年 | 電気通信大学・大学院情報理工学研究科・教授 |
2019年〜 | 早稲田大学・理工学術院・教授(現職) |
Research interests

My research interests generally include optimization, machine learning, and learning-based signal processing with those applications in communication & network systems, image & video processing, and other data analysis fields. Specifically, I am interested in learning and optimization for large-scale structured data and parameters, e.g., non-linear optimization algorithms on Riemannian manifolds, and their applications.
Selected publications
- HK, P.Jawanpuria, and B.Mishra, “Riemannian adaptive stochastic gradient algorithms on matrix manifolds,” ICML, 2019.
- HK and B.Mishra, “Inexact trust-region algorithm on Riemannian manifolds,” NeurIPS (formerly NIPS), 2018.
- HK, H.Sato, and B.Mishra, “Riemannian stochastic recursive gradient algorithm,” ICML, 2018.
- HK and B.Misrha, “Low-rank tensor completion: a Riemannian manifold preconditioning approach,” ICML, 2016.
- HK, “Fast online low-rank tensor subspace tracking by CP decomposition using recursive least squares from incomplete observations,” Neurocomputing, 2019.
- HK, W.Kellerer, and M.Kleinsteuber, “Network volume anomaly detection and identification in large-scale networks based on online time-structured traffic tensor tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2016.
Contact me
Email: hiroyuki.kasai at (Please replace the word “at” with “@”.)
電子メール: hiroyuki.kasai at (“at” を “@” へ変更してください.)