Prospective students
Waiting for prospective students in the machine learning field
KASAI laboratory in WASEDA University, located in the heart of Tokyo, is devoted to theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning, Optimization, Signal Processing, and Data Science. Research areas at the center include machine learning algorithms, theory, and application, including deep learning, generative models (e.g., diffusion model), interpretability/explainability, reinforcement learning, representation learning, structural learning, optimization, and more.
Our laboratory is looking for talented, dedicated students passionate about researching all aspects of theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning, Optimization, Signal Processing, and Data Science and having a strong background in mathematics or machine learning.
Applicants from all countries and all ages are very welcome. Our laboratory is multinational.
There is one common application way that allows you to apply for the bachelor’s/master’s/doctoral (Ph.D.) program at WASEDA University. Please see carefully the details below.

Admissions for graduate school
See details here (in English) or here (日本語).
Special scholarship programs
WASEDA University offers some special scholarship programs for some countries, including, for example, China.
See details here (日本語).
Recruitment of graduate students in Master’s and Doctoral Programs
If you are interested in joining us as a student in a doctoral or master’s course, please see below:
Exchange program students
If you are interested in staying in our laboratory as an exchange student in a doctoral or master’s course, please see here.
Applicants from all countries and all ages are very welcome. Our laboratory is multinational.
For students in Waseda
Project research for 3rd-year students in FSE
興味のある学生は プロジェクト研究 を履修して頂くことをお勧めします.配属に興味がある学生は,教員 hiroyuki.kasai atmark までメールでコンタクトし,面談をしてください.
Admission on recommendation from different departments in Waseda
早稲田大学基幹理工学部以外の学部(教育学部など)を卒業した後,本研究室に入学するを希望する学生は,教員 hiroyuki.kasai atmark までメールでコンタクトし,面談をしてください.これまで,早稲田大学教育学部数学科を卒業した学生が入学しています.
- 3月初旬:教育学部の事務所にて推薦入学についての公示が開始される.
- 3月初〜中旬:推薦願書と誓約書に記入し,所属しているゼミの先生に相談し,承諾を得る.
- 3月初〜中旬:受け入れ希望教員へのコンタクトし,研究室訪問などを通して情報収集する.
- 3月初〜中旬:希望研究室を決定し,受け入れ希望教員から署名・捺印をもらう.
- 3月末(4月初旬):教育学部の事務所へ書類を提出する.
- 4月:教育学部内で推薦の決定
- 5月:大学院基幹理工学研究科で選考(受け入れ希望教員と面接)
- 6月:推薦結果の本人への通知
※ 詳細は毎年異なるため,最新情報は希望者自身で確認してください.